Bellwether Station welcomes you

2021 Tournament of Sims
"I absolutely love the characters on this sim. They’re just quirky enough to be fun, but not so quirky as to be unbelievable." - Judge #3
The Battle of Maxia, a tale
much taller than the Ferengi who have recorded it, previously footnote in Federation history, is now an encounter taught at Starfleet Academy’s Command, Diplomacy, and Xenopsychology courses. After the Battle of Maxia in 2355, Federation construction vessels traveled towards the northern colonies as far as worlds such as Izar in a hazardous region of space spanning several sectors. These construction ships began building starbases and a network of subspace communication relay stations.
One of these was Federation Subspace Relay Station-97 numerically known as RS-97, and more commonly known as Bellwether Station. Constructed in 2355, several weeks after the battle, the relay station served as the central nerve of a vast communication network over the next few decades. However, as more of the space was charted by Federation starships and technology advanced, dozens of the communication relay stations became unmanned.
Bellwether is one of the last surviving manned subspace relay stations, slated to be decommissioned or turned into a fully autonomous station by the turn of the century, these are likely the final years. There’s more to Bellwether station, however than monitoring subspace communique; the Ionic Nebula Region where the station is nestled in a rough region of space plagued with navigational hazards but is part of a crucial ‘stellar roadway’ of merchants, traders, and even smugglers and bootleggers.
The crew of Bellwether station is responsible for the deployment and maintenance of buoys along the trade routes. Ionic storms and other navigational hazards have laid claim to dozens of starships over the decades, and Bellwether station has earned the nickname of ‘The lighthouse’ offering refuge from the storms and as a stellar marker whilst navigating the hazardous region. It is frequented by traders, merchants, and individuals seeking shelter or assistance.
If you are looking for a small remote posting, then this is the place for you, but beware! This little ‘lighthouse’ among the stars is not the quaint subdue station that the Federation and Starfleet Command paint it to be. Situated near the Ferengi Alliance, Breen Confederacy, and The First Federation, Bellwether Station can be a colorful assignment for those ill-prepared for its frontier experience.
Latest Mission Posts
» Premium Real Estate
Mission: Spiders of Sarastus VII
Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 @ 6:49pm by Ensign Andrea Astor
As a very young child, when the crawlspaces of a starship with much bigger and scarier than they seemed now, Andrea Astor loved to explore. Perhaps because there wasn’t much else to do. Anyway, one day she had come across a perfect place to make a hide out. In the hours and days that followed she dragged blankets and toys when the grown ups weren’t looking, even some string and empty cans to make a little alarm in case monsters tried to sneak up on her in the dark.
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» Medical: Brott
Mission: Spiders of Sarastus VII
Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 @ 5:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott & Lieutenant Himari Kai, MD
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» Scattering Songbirds
Mission: Spiders of Sarastus VII
Posted on Sat May 18th, 2024 @ 9:58pm by Commander Izzy Schröder Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott & Lieutenant Skye MacLeod
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» Popping up to say hello
Mission: Spiders of Sarastus VII
Posted on Tue Apr 30th, 2024 @ 8:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott & Gypsy Midnight
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"This is the Destiny calling Bellweather Station. Come in Brotty." They grinned as they thought of the happy Brott. That man always made them smile.
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» Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
Mission: Spiders of Sarastus VII
Posted on Tue Apr 30th, 2024 @ 8:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott & Lieutenant Himari Kai, MD & Ensign Andrea Astor
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Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott and Ensign Andrea Astor had made their way to the largest cargo hold that the station had. Brott's hand came about to rest on Astor's right shoulder. "Man the cargo transporter console while I fetch…