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What would Miles O'Brien do?

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 3:27am by Ensign Andrea Astor

505 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Location: Bellwether Station

Leaving the jovial Bolian commanding officer behind, Ensign Astor headed inside the suite he had shown her to, taking a moment to look around. Immediately she was reminded of the dorm rooms back at the Academy. Certainly similar limited space although when designing the room someone had thought to incorporate lots of shelving to make use of what room they had.

To one side were bunk beds and by the look of things, the top bunk was already claimed. To the other, a single bed and her eyes widened slightly at the overwhelming amount of tartan. “If there are bagpipes, I’m outta here,” she muttered, throwing her bag on the empty bunk and retrieving only what she needed for the immediate task at hand - a shower and clean clothes.

Slipping off her boots she walked towards the doors at the far right which opened onto the bathroom. Again, space was at a premium but she made do.

Peeling off her uniform she contemplated incinerating the damn thing, quite sure it was almost beyond hope. Stepping into the sonic shower she set it as high as possible - or at least as high as possible without the thing sounding like it may implode - and let it work it’s magic. It was never a real alternative to a proper shower but it felt perfect nevertheless to just have a semblance of being clean.

She rolled her shoulders and tried to massage out as many aches and pains as possible. The engine room of the transport had been something else, although in truth she had rather enjoyed it. What she hadn’t enjoyed were the many bumps, bruises and scrapes she had earned in the process.

Still, leaving the shower and twisting this way and that before the mirror, she couldn’t see anything too serious that wouldn’t heal on its own. She had definitely had worse.

Reminding herself that two other people were in this suite, she quickly dressed and emerged in her bare feet in a fresh uniform with her laundry under her arm. Socks and boots on and she spent a moment braiding her hair before she dealt with the laundry and then started to head out into the corridor that would lead her back to Ops.

While her roommates had clearly taken time to make bunks and unpack and create little personal touches, the operations officer was in no major hurry to do so. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be here, she just had no personal touches to add. And in her case that was maybe a good thing.

Walking towards Ops she paused just outside the set of doors which would lead into the operations centre. This would be her real home from home and despite her nerves, she couldn't wait to get started.

"You got this, AJ. Anything goes wrong just think… what would Miles O’Brien do?..." taking a deep breath she strode forward, ready to take on the universe.


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