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Setting up Sickbay

Posted on Mon Aug 2nd, 2021 @ 8:30pm by Lieutenant JG Katsumi Tanaka MD
Edited on on Tue Aug 3rd, 2021 @ 1:13am

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Location: Bellwether Station | Infirmary
Timeline: Current


Katsumi walked around the station for a while to calm her anxiety. She hadn’t been to the room but instead found a little window to the stars and just sat there looking for a few hours. After she felt her anxiety was low enough, she headed back to sickbay. That was the best place to start. Entering her domain, she turned to the left and started there.

To the left of the door was the first bio bed. The one that would be used for emergencies and surgeries. It was a typical bed but had raised sides and you were able to raise the back so that the medical staff could have access to the full wall diagnostic screens and control panels that blinked in their LACARS beauty. She tested the bio bed and then raised the back so that she could run a full test on the equipment. For a backwards station it was good and kept well. No doubt the Vulcan doctor that came before her had kept this running well.

With minor calibration all was set to her liking. She would keep the bio bed up until needed of course. To the right of the bio bed was the door to her office, a project she would tackle later. Now to the right of that was the second bio bed with a smaller control panel. She again tested all the sensors and satisfied she moved on. To the right of bio bed 2 was a small nook created by a curved beam. There she found an in-wall storage that was filled to the brim with equipment. Smiling she set to work on testing everything sanitizing it and organizing it to her liking. She was somewhat dismayed that she had to toss several bits of equipment but going to her trunk she was able to replace every piece that was tossed.

To the right of that was a small work table, a lab of sorts to run samples and probability reports and other things she may need. In front of the workstation was another screen that would give her some privacy for results. She was happy about that.

To the right of that another curved bulkhead and another nook of in wall storage this time a cooling unit with medications and galore. After verifying and cataloging it all she turned to the last bio bed. Once she was satisfied with it all she brough out her supplies and sanitized the entire sickbay from floor to ceiling. The smell of a sterilized sickbay was one that she’d always loved. She stood in the middle of her little kingdom and inhaled the sterile smell. “Perfection!” It was small but it was hers and it was just the way she liked it.

Cleaning and testing and organizing had allowed her to not only empty half the trunk but calm her anxiety. She turned to the second door. Her office. This was going to be a little easier to take care of. Smiling she entered the room. The first thing that caught her eye was the second chair. She made short work hauling it out and down to the cargo hold.

Having returned she sanitized the entire office and the set about testing the small screen the previous doctor had set up. Again, it was perfectly fine. She then opened her secretary desk with hutch and having cleaned it she began to fill its drawers with the rest of the items from her trunk. This would be her little bit of heaven. She would code the door to her special code and when things got too much it would serve as her refuge.

She hadn’t seen the part about sharing a room and too much socializing left her drained and down and she need a place. In having chosen this type of desk the Vulcan ensured she could close it all out and have a space for meditating but for Katsumi it would be a place she could lay her head when the world got too much. She found some in wall storage and used that to add her sleeping bag for those times she needed a break.

Satisfied with almost a full day’s work and feeling a calm and peace that she hadn’t felt coming into the place earlier she decided that she was ready to tackle the place that was her room.

She knew that she was the first one here so she would get first pick of sleeping arrangements. “Alright Katsumi, you can do this. I know you can.” It was a pep talk she gave herself often. This would work out, she had to believe that. Sighing she picked up her bag and a few remaining items in the trunk/crate she’d brought with her and set out for the place that held her bed. She prayed that she could find some privacy in a place that was designed to prevent it.

It seemed like even though this station was small the walk to her room took forever, or maybe it was her stalling stopping to catch her breath every now and then and to give herself a pep talk. At least tonight she’d be alone and maybe, just maybe she could get some sleep and shore up her strength for the days ahead.



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