Petty Officer 3rd Class Korbin Aries

Name Korbin Aries

Position Flight Technician | Support Craft Pilot

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Sex Male
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Age 22
Species Human

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Korbin has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He is on the smaller side for a human male, but has a muscular build.


Father Captain Austin Aries - Commanding Officer - USS Prometheus
Mother Captain Jennifer Aries - Research and Development - Earth

Personality & Traits

General Overview Korbin is generally a pretty easy going person. He's friendly and gets along with most people. When on duty he takes his work seriously and respects the chain of command.
Strengths & Weaknesses Korbin is great at his job and has never had a bad report on any of his craft. He's also a pretty decent pilot.

Korbin isn't great with medical concerns and would prefer to leave those things to the experts in sickbay.

Personal History Korbin was born aboard the USS Calvary to Lieutenant Jennifer Aries and her husband Commander Austin Aries. Commander Aries served as the ships First Officer and had fallen in love with Jennifer over their years serving on the Calvary together.

The Aries family were very lucky to stay together aboard the USS Calvary through Korbin's infancy. Lieutenant Aries took the first year of her newborns life off and took care of her baby. The Calvary would see it's share of missions over the year. It was hard for Jennifer and Korbin both his first day of daycare, but she had to return to duty. The Calvary could use it's Chief Science Officer back on the bridge. Of course Jennifer worried about her baby all day long and was kind of glad they were on a diplomatic mission and science wasn't quite that busy.

The next year Jennifer was offered a research position on Earth and that was an opportunity she and Austin decided she couldn't pass up. Six weeks later Jennifer and Korbin were moving into their home on the bay in San Francisco.

Before they knew it Korbin was starting high school at San Francisco Bay High School and Jennifer who was now a Commander continued her award winning research. They recently had a visit from Captain Aries when his ship the USS Prometheus had delivered a dignitary to Earth. Korbin was following in his fathers foot steps and enjoying piloting small craft and after years of lessons was pretty good at it. He and his father flew together while he was on Earth and Captain Aries told his son how proud he was.

His mother was pushing Korbin toward Star Fleet Academy but he decided on a different route for his adult life. He enlisted right after graduating and did well in basic training. Korbin immediately started putting in the work and stayed right on track. His exams urged him towards small craft maintenance and that was the route he took. Korbin also took the time to get his small craft flight certification and would fly every chance he got.

Once all the i's were dotted and the t's were crossed Korbin took the first assignment that was offered to him. Starbase 101 is where the Petty Officer 3rd Class served as small craft maintenance technician. He would serve there for several years before something smaller came up and Korbin requested a transfer to Bellwether station.