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Meeting the Doctor

Posted on Fri Aug 27th, 2021 @ 4:21am by Lieutenant JG Katsumi Tanaka MD & Lieutenant Skye MacLeod
Edited on on Fri Aug 27th, 2021 @ 4:21am

955 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Location: Medical
Timeline: The First Night


Skye found the small room that acted as the station's sickbay and walked in, looking for the doctor. There were three beds, which meant that almost half the crew could get sick at once. Although, statistically, that was unlikely. Unless it was food poisoning. She shook her head at the thought.

Katsumi exited the small office PaDD in hand reading over the new transfer medical records. She was expecting incoming and it was, sadly, a woman. That meant her room … was going to have another occupant. She was glad she'd snagged the top bunk and thanking every being in the universe it had a privacy shield.

She looked up to see woman there and then back down at the paDD. The picture matched. "Skye MacLeod?"

"I am. Hi," Skye said. "I figure since this is a new posting, I should get a new physical." She smiled. "I also assume you're the person on the top bunk?"

"I am indeed. I cannot have anyone farting in my face." She motioned to the bio bed to the right of the door. "Hop on there. A new physical is right. I'll also want to do some follow up on your previous one."

"That's definitely one way to look at it," Skye said, sitting on the biobed. "I took the one off by itself. It doesn't offer privacy screens, but I'm used to sleeping in rooms with others. Being off by myself is good enough."

Katsumi walked around to the sensors. "It was a logical choice...I for one dislike the roommate...idea. I spent most of the Academy sleeping in labs and anywhere I could get privacy." She admitted. "Hmmm you have some minor scarring that I can remove if you wish, an old fracture...nothing that stands out I see that you missed the standard issue space sickness vaccine. I can get that ready for you."

"The scarring can stay. It reminds me of my past," Skye said. "I've never had a problem with space sickness, but if I need a vaccine, then okay." She didn't spend a lot of time on smaller ships, so she wasn't sure if that would make a difference or not to getting space sickness.

"Stations are slightly different." She said as she prepared the hypo. She pressed it to the woman's neck and allowed it to hiss out its dose. "Alright a few more tests and you are ready." She looked at the woman. "I will also have to ask some … psychological questions. We have no counselor so that task will fall to me."

"Double duty. Fun." Skye grinned. "By the way, I'll be creating vertical gardens wherever there is space. Are there any herbs you particularly need?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh..well there are a few." She said. She was genuinely caught off guard by the offer. "I prefer natural medication and creams where possible."

"If you can send me a list, I'll see how many I can incorporate into an herb garden," Skye said. She wasn't sure, yet, how much she could grow, but an herb garden was definitely a necessity.

"Indeed. I'll prepare one for you by the end of day." She paused in her scans. "Thank you," she said and returned to her tricorder.

It was some time later where she looked up and said. "All clear. We can now complete the psychological aspect of the test." She gave a nod, "You may sit up. We can talk while I tidy the equipment."

"All right." Skye sat up and dangled her feet over the side. "Where do you want to start?"

"Let us start with this," she said her hands motioning to the room. "Was this posting a choice or an order?"

"A bit of both. I could have refused the transfer, but I thought it was a good opportunity to try something different," Skye said. "A station like this is a challenge."

"I see. You did not feel challenged in your last posting?"

"Each posting has its own challenges." Skye shrugged. "This one involves exploring a nebula and now, building vertical gardens. The next one will have other challenges."

"Do you plan for this to be a longer posting or just a shorter one?" She had a few more questions to ask although she could see that this woman was ready for duty.

"I don't know. Six months isn't very long. I may need to stay a year just to make sure the gardens are well-established," Skye said. "It would also depend on what--if any--opportunities I'm offered. I have a chance to learn a lot about stellar science here, and to see what we can do to get more greenery."

"Places like this are known for their … quiet solitude are you prepared for that?"

Skye chuckled. "I think so. Solitude is not something I've had much of. There are enough people on the station for me to not feel alone but not so many I feel crowded. Granted, I've never been around so few people before, but I have been on digs where I work with half a dozen people during the day. I didn't always join the evening gatherings, either, so I don't think it'll be too hard to adapt." Plus she had a lot of things she could read, and music to keep her work space from being too quiet.

“Excellent. I think that we’re done here. I’ll sign off on your medical approval in the next forty-five minutes and you can begin your duties.”

"Thanks," Maya replied, smiling. "I'll start making plans for some gardens."

Tanaka gave a nod. "Welcome to the station."


Lieutenant Skye Macleod
Science Officer
RS Bellwether


Lieutenant JG Katsumi Tanaka
Medical Officer
RS Bellwether


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