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Meeting the EMH

Posted on Thu Aug 5th, 2021 @ 8:40pm by Lieutenant JG Katsumi Tanaka MD & Lieutenant Commander Brott
Edited on on Thu Aug 5th, 2021 @ 8:41pm

1,290 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Location: Sickbay | Bellwether Station
Timeline: Current


She stood in the sickbay feeling exhausted. There was so much to do and thankfully she still had two days off duty. "Computer, Scan EMH for errors."

The computer processed that inquiry. "Diagnostic scan complete," the computer reported. "Emergency Medical Hologram operating within expanded parameters. Holomatrix stable. Personality and imaging subroutines compromised." The computer waited for additional commands.

"Now I'm curious.....Activate EMH."

Activation of the Emergency Medical Hologram did not go as one would normally expect. The generic Human male or female in a Starfleet Science and Medical departmental uniform was not what Katsumi was met with. Instead, a voluptuous Klingon female with 'body armor' that emphasized her bosom appeared.

A Klingon D'k tahg, or warrior's dagger was nestled into a holster on a ceremonial baldric, a sash. She looked at Katsumi in a way that Brott looked at a cake. The holographic Klingon began to hiss at Katsumi which shifted into lowly growl. She began to advance upon the medical officer's position.

Katsumi's eyes widened. "I can see why he was so..." She held up her friend. "Please phrase the standard greeting."

The holographic Klingon snarled a bit. "nuqneH?!" she shouted, clearly agitated that by the physician's avoidance and talking. The Klingon pulled the D'k tahg from the bladric and slid the dagger blade first down between the cleavage. "They who pull this D'k tahg from my chest shall be given a warrior's welcome."

"Computer … remove all battle gear from EMH!"

Removal of the holographic Klingon's armor and battle gear had left the hologram with limited clothing, undergarments mostly. Immediately, the Klingon dropped to the deck and began to crawl seductively on all fours at the medical officer. This was definitely not standard Federation programming for the Emergency Medical Hologram.

" can you impose standard EMH subroutines on hologram!" This was getting a bit much...although if it kept the CO at bay maybe...this could work.

"Unable to comply...Warning ethical subroutines compromised" the reported the computer. Soon, the Klingon woman who was clearly trying to initiate some sort of mating was no longer as she previously appeared. Coming towards Doctor Tanaka was not that of a Klingon but rather a creature from the planet M-113.

"Computer shut down EMH"

"Unable to comply," the computer responded. The 'Salt Vampire' or rather the holographic recreation of it, serving as the emergency medical hologram was closing in on the woman. The program would not end. It was determined to get the to Doctor and there was not much room in the infirmary.

The doors opened. Lieutenant Commander Brott was standing there with a platter of containing two cups of tea and some snacks to go with it. The Bolian rolled his eyes. "Oh for the love of all the stars, Doctor. I told you not to," he added with a sigh.

"Computer, disable holographic emitters to the infirmary, authorization Brott Delta-Sigma-Seven-Seven-Omega," he said briskly and within a moment, the creature was gone. "I thought you'd like some tea and treats, but I can see you are a curious sort."

She just stared where the creature had been. It took a moment but she turned to the CO...."How long has this...been the EMH?"

"Salt vampire?" he asked and shrugged. "I haven't seen it take that form personally, but Ensign Smith was not so lucky. It has taken many forms, but none of them helpful in a medical situation unless you are going through Pon Farr," he blushed. "The program has been compromised for the past several months. One of the former crew..."

Brott sighed and sat the tray down on one of the beds. "One of station's former crew was swindled by a Ferengi who was promising them a 'stimulating program,' but it was plagued with an underlying malicious virus that nearly took the entire station. Unfortunately, it made a huge mess of the Emergency Medical Hologram's program."

She groaned. "That program needs to be put on priority, Sir. we need the EMH available."

The Bolian nearly laughed at the woman but thought better of it. "Doctor, I would love to do that for you, but the EMH is not considered a priority to Starfleet Command, not out here at least. On a starship on deep space exploration missions, sure. On this small little relay station that they have been pottering over decommissioning? Nope. I'm afraid you are going to have to wait a while longer."

She sighed, her shoulders hunched. "Okay..."

"Oh cheer up buttercup, this is an exciting opportunity for some real frontier medicine," Brott said to his station's physician. "You are the sole, lone, on her own physician on a Federation subspace relay station...out here in the middle of practically nowhere. Who do you want to get credit for your amazing work? You or an EMH?"

She had to smile at the comment. was what her God parents used to say Cheer up buttercup She sighed. "It is not about credit. What if there was an emergency and I needed another surgeon?" She shook her head. "I will send a note to command asking for an EMH to be prioritized...I...have a few people I know that may be able to help."

"A medical emergency of the handful of us that will be stationed here?" Brott asked. "I would certainly hope not. As for an emergency off this station? There are a few different Federation starbases and stations within a few days trip from us at maximum warp, not ideal, but doable. I know of at least one Hospital Ship that operates near one of those starbases, it brings us medical supplies from time to time."

She sighed. "I'm going to try. Every Starfleet Facility is required to have a functioning EMH no matter the size. Regulation 3.451 of Starfleet Medical Charter."

Brott laughed and chuckled. He could even guffaw at her squirming, clinging to regulations that nobody cared about. "You can throw every protocol, regulation, whathaveyou at them, Doctor. The EMH is 'functioning,' just not in the way you or I would like. If you are really going to be this obsessed over the matter, I'll see if I can get you a replacement by other means."

She sighed and sat back on the bio bed. "Okay." She looked up at him. "Sir...I have something to discuss with you."

Bolian shrugged. "Okay, then discuss it, Doctor. I'm a good listener," he added. It was not entirely true. He was an okay listener, but an excellent talker. He sometimes was known to interject and interrupt.

"So there are two rooms, the Alpha and Beta and each has three beds in it. … How many crew are expected on the station?"

"That can fluctuate," Brott replied. "At most we've had a full house of seven, but there have been months where it was just myself and another individual. Smaller relay stations when manned often had a maximum of three. We are fortunately a bit larger and have the space for more."

"Is there anyway we can fill the Beta room...and I can stay in my own bubble for as long as possible?"

He shrugged. "I don't really care if you sleep on the deck or in the cargo hold, but Starfleet won't likely take that as an invite to send anyone extra here. It does look like we will have a few others arriving within a day or few."

She gave a nod. "Alright," she said. It was what it was.

Final tag and post

"Teas going to get cold, better get some before it is cooler than Breen," he teased. Brott grabbed his cup and two ladyfingers to go. "Back to Ops for me."



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