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Old Friend Emergency Stop

Posted on Sat Aug 14th, 2021 @ 9:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Brott & Lieutenant JG Katsumi Tanaka MD & Gypsy Midnight

1,795 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Prologue: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow


Gypsy gritted her teeth as her ship headed to the now familiar station. She looked at her coms officer who was already calling head.

"Destiny to Bellwether, come in Bellwether we have an emergency permission to dock."

Destiny it was not the Federation starship of the same name, and it was an entirely different beast altogether. Lieutenant Commander Hamish Brott quickly made his way over to the comm station. "Bellwether here, loud and clear my dear," he said with delight.

"You know the routine," he added. "Docking port one is ready" stated Brott. There were not that many docking ports on the small relay station and they could only handle small auxiliary craft not much larger than a shuttle.

He had noted the Destiny had requested emergency permission. Normally, Gypsy gave him at least a few hour's notice that she would be passing through. "Do you require medical assistance?" he calmly asked.

"Actually... Yes that Vulcan doctor of yours will be very much needed. I got two minor and one critical."

"Alas, the dear Doctor has transferred elsewhere," he replied. "However, her replacement has arrived and is aboard the station. I am sure she will be more than capable."

"Great, that works!"

Brott tapped his commbadge. "Doctor Tanaka, I'm beaming three individuals to the infirmary. One is in critical condition, the other two have minor injuries."

"Yes, sir. I'll be ready." Came the call back. "See...that is why we need the EMH."

"Oh hush," Brott replied dismissively. "You can handle the more serious injury. I'll take care of the two minor injuries," the Bolian added. "We don't get too many issues out here medically beyond some bumps and bruises, and a bit of malnutrition if a replicator goes."

She grumbled as she cut the coms and prepared her sickbay. True to his world three people materialized right at the door. The two less injured taking the third. "Over here!" She guided the injured ensuring they all found a bio bed. She began running scans as she tended to the more injured individual. "Okay...not so critical. I can fix him."

The Bolian soon entered the station's infirmary. "Acting Nurse Brott reporting for duty, Doctor," the chipper blue rounded Bolian said squeezing his way into the cramped little infirmary. He looked at the patients. "Oh goodness," he said shaking his head. "What happened to you lot?"

It was Gypsy who came forward. "Hamish! Good to see you. Sorry about this..we had a panel go crazy on the shuttle our main Destiny ship is too far getting repaired so we made the run with a shuttle...that wasn't as ready as we thought." She looked around. "I got off light." She held up her wrist that was broken for sure." She pointed to John just in front of her. He got a few cuts and V'Kor took the brunt of it."

"Sounds like a bit of a tough delivery," Hamish Brott replied. To him, Gypsy was just the normal trader that was consistently working the trade route is the ionite nebula region. He was none the wiser on her line of work nor that he was supplying her with crucial intel for her employers each time she stopped by.

"Let's take care of that wrist for you," he replied fetching a small portable osteo-regenerator. The device would heal broken and fractured bones with ease. "A few minutes and we will have that wrist perfect."

Tanaka meanwhile had her hands full. V'Kor a half Klingon was bleeding lavender all over her newly sanitized bio bed! She sedated him and set to work on repairing the burns and broken ribs. She was glad she brought an bone knitter as she called it. She worked with precision and speed mumbling connections and checking bio reads. There would be no sleep tonight. She'd have to move the Klingon to another bio bed and sanitize the entire area.

Gypsy watched the scene and turned to Hamish. "I actually have something for you when we're done here."

The Bolian illuminated in excitement. "Silk? Polyester? Cotton?" He had this sort of arrangement with Gypsy. He would watch her back and give her information and in return she'd always bring him some nice fabric from the galaxy.

"Trellian Silk unlike anything you've seen. In many colours more vibrant than you've seen my friend."

"Oh how splendid! They will probably go beautifully against my deep blue skin tone," he added happily. "Silks are always nice. If there's enough of it I may make some evening attire out of it."

"There is a lot of it." Gypsy looked up to check the progress and was happy to see the doctor was still working and the Klingon still breathing. "So that's your new doc..." She whispered to the Bolian.

Brott nodded "Yes, graduated a lot higher than my previous," he said. Brott moved over to tend to John. "Not too bad, I'll get a dermal regenerator and make sure this doesn't scar on you."

"You'll do no such thing!" Tanaka shouted. "No EMH you're my nurse. Sterilize up and get a gown on. He has internal bleeding and you are my surgical Nurse."

Gypsy smiled. She leaned into the Bolian and whispered, "I think I like this one. Cute and got a bit of fire...if stuffed down deep."

Brott nearly vomited at the thought. "Surgery? Here on my station?!" He was ill just thinking about it. "We barely have the equipment for that. What did you do, bring a surgical ward with you?"

"Yes. I always have one. Gown is in top drawer by the first bulkhead." She swiped at her brow. "Let's go, sir."

Gypsy sat back. "I'll take care of John. You go help the doctor."

Brott got got into the surgical gown which was incredibly unflattering and the color did not look all that good on him either. "Are you absolutely certain he needs surgery now? I can call for a hospital ship to get here and take him."

"Now." She said. She watched as he walked through the steri field. That done she pointed to a drawer across the bio bed. "Second drawer. Pull out the blue tray. Get it on the extension arm. You'll see a metal clamp there. I need you to pull it three inches apart." She grabbed a laser scalpel and slowly made a straight incision. She looked up. "Ready with the clamp?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," replied Hamish wanting so desperately to close his eyes, but he knew that was not an option. I am never coming in here again he thought to himself. This was probably one of the more gruesome things he had ever seen on Bellwether. His previous Medical Officers were not the sort to perform surgical operations on the station.

"Alright. I'm gonna need to insert the clamp to hold the wound open." She grabbed his hand. "Thumb and pointer like this..." She held up her fingers to show him. "I'm gonna set your hand inside the wound, don't move an inch until I get the clamp in place, got it?"

"And you eat meals after things like this?!" the Bolian replied shuddering at the thought. "Just do it. I'm ready," he said taking a deep breath. He was not really ready, but he would have to be.

She set his hand and then set to work inserting a clamp. "Alright. You can remove your fingers, slide them out slowly. Then get the green round device on the tray and turn on the yellow beam. Move it slowly over the wound as I try to get at what's causing the bleed."

The Bolian slowly removed his fingers and the whole sensation was entirely unpleasant for him. This was not where he saw himself being several years ago. Musician to a librarian to commanding a relay stating, and now? Defacto surgical nurse. He grabbed the green device and triggered the yellow beam, moving it slowly over the wound. "This was not what I had in mind when I agreed you were the ideal person for this station's infirmary."

"Well we all have shattered dreams." She reached inside with a long instrument pulling out a small shard. She held it up. "Bit of the panel." She put it aside and picked up a tissue regenerator. She cleaned the area and slowly closed the small wound. Minutes ticked by. "The bleed has stopped." She nodded to the instrument. You can put that down and hand me the stitches. He's Klingon he'll probably want a scar."

"You know that's disgusting," replied the Bolian. "Klingons..." he added and looked over at Gypsy. "What sort of merchandise are you peddling or moving about these parts that you need a Klingon on your crew?"

Gypsy rubbed the back of her neck. "Blood wine," It wasn't a complete lie. The blood wide was payment for information on a bounty … the Klingon...well he was just there to help with that. "His vineyard so he wanted to come along." Gypsy looked up. "Now...if the doctor doesn't need you how about those fabrics?"

Katsumi waved a hand. "I'm done with the hard part. I'll tend to the other person." She looked at Gypsy, "But return after your done I want to scan your wrist again."

The Bolian was happy again. He was quick to get out of the surgical gown and ready for a return to his normal garish attire and chipper personality. "I can't wait to see how each of the fabrics looks against my skin."

Gypsy laughed. "Yeah, let's go do that." She led him out of sickbay and tapped him on the back, "Are you okay my friend?"

"I will be once I am away from this....chop shop." The Bolian was adamant about not coming back to the Infirmary if at all possible. He was not found of the blood and guts that he had been exposed to.

She smiled, 'Your doctor is a lot more capable than the last one, look at it that way."

"She is," he replied. "I am just scared of what she is capable of and that word will get around that there's a skilled surgeon in this sector. This station doesn't need any trouble. Someone of that value? She's going to attract trouble if word gets out."

Gypsy smiled, "Oh she's trouble alright. You may just see more of me now that she's here."

"Only if you bring me goodies," replied Hamish. "Though you know I'm just teasing."

She laughed. "I'll still bring goodies."

"And I'll supply the information," he replied. "Excellent business arrangement." Though the Bolian was oblivious to the business he was involved in through Gypsy. She was doing more than moving spices.


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